I Walk with The King

To Heavenly Land; the Kingdom of Right–the Pathway of Light…


A Nation of Cowards

I learned something important about America today: we are a nation of cowards. I caught bits of news today as we all learned that the older brother of the Boston Marathon bombers died in a shootout with police, while his younger brother continued to evade arrest. The officials in Boston and the surrounding municipalities put a major U.S. city of approximately 2 million people on a lockdown because of one killer on the loose. One.

A scared 19-year-old kid who felt the entire weight of the United States law enforecement agencies bearing down on him hid in a boat. And 2 million Americans hid in their homes. Our fear-filled response to even small-scale attack (yes–this attack was small-scale) is that we allow other terrorists to witness validation that all they have to do is kill a half dozen of us, injure a few hundred, and the rest hunker and hide. With such a predictable effect, it’s no wonder that enemies of the American people persist in these same tactics, even when fighting overseas.

In difficult times, I tend to seek the words of Jesus Christ for guidence and answers to tough questions. How would Jesus have us respond to acts of terrorism?

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”  Matthew 10:28 NKJV

See it now? Our response to acts of terrorism is totally opposite of what Jesus commands. There are two commands for us here. First, Jesus commands us not to fear anyone who has the ability to kill our bodies, but have no power over our eternal being. Second, Jesus commands us to fear God; who, if He wishes, can kill the body, but can also condemn us to total, eternal destruction in Hell.

In America, we cower before those evil people who use violence against our lives and the threat of such violence to control and manipulate us. And it works. Every time. At the same time, we pro-actively demonstrate our hatred for God, and deny His power over our very lives and souls. He hate His Word, we hate His ways, we hate His followers.

In the coming days, our citizens and elected officials will join in a debate over the balance between personal freedom and public safety; between government control and national security. I pray that in making decisions about America’s response to future threats, that our leaders will stand tall before our enemies and bow low before God. Until then, I will be no coward. What will you decide?